Academic Publications

For an up-to-date list, see Google Scholar

Yeast Synthetic Biology/Systems Biology/Genomics

J. E. Gallegos, N. R. Adames, M. F. Rogers, P. Kraikivski, A. Ibele, K. Nurzynski-Loth, E. Kudlow, T. M. Murali, J. J. Tyson, J. Peccoud. Genetic interactions derived from high-throughput phenotyping of 6589 yeast cell cycle mutants.NPJ Systems Biology and Applications. 2020; 6(11).

J. E. Gallegos, S. Hayrynen, N. Adames, J. Peccoud. Challenges and opportunities for strain verification by whole-genome sequencing.  Scientific Reports. 2020; 10(5873).

N. R. Adames, J. E. Gallegos, J Peccoud. Yeast genetic interaction screens in the age of CRISPR/Cas. Current Genetics.  65(2): 307-327.

Biohacking and Cyberbiosecurity

D. Kar, I. Ray, J. Gallegos, J. Peccoud, I. Ray. Synthesizing DNA molecules with identity-based digital signatures to prevent malicious tampering and enabling source attribution. Journal of Computer Security. 2020, pre-press.

N. R. Adames, J. E. Gallegos, S. Y. Hunt, W. K. So, J. Peccoud. Hands-on introduction to syntheti biology or security professionals. Trends in Biotechnology. 2019; 37(11): 1143-1146.

J. E. Gallegos, C. Boyer, E. Pauwels, W. Kaplan, J. Peccoud. The Open Insulin Project, a Case Study for “Biohacked” Medicines. Trends in Biotechnology. 2018; 36(12): 1211-1218.

D. M. Kar, I. Ray, J. E. Gallegos, J. Peccoud. Digital Signatures to Ensure the Authenticity and Integrity of Synthetic DNA Molecules. Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop, 110-122

Peccoud, J. E. Gallegos, R. Murch, W. Buchholz, S. Raman. Cyberbiosecurity: from naïve trust to risk awareness. Trends in Biotechnology. 2018; 36(1): 4-7.

Plant Biology and Biotechnology

J. E. Gallegos. Alternative Splicing Plays a Major Role in Plant Response to Cold Temperatures. The Plant Cell. 2018; Epub:

J. E. Gallegos. Autophagy: Both Friend and Foe in Pseudomonas syringae Infection. The Plant Cell. 2018; 30(3): 522-523.

J. E. Gallegos & A. B. Rose. Intron-mediated enhancement is not limited to introns. BioRXIV:

J. E. Gallegos & A. B. Rose. Intron DNA sequences can be more important than the proximal promoter in determining the site of transcript initiation. The Plant Cell. 2017; 29(4): 845-853.

J. E. Gallegos & A. B. Rose. The enduring mystery of intron-mediated enhancement. Plant Science. 2015; 237: 8-15.

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